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Chinese Animal Predictions for the Year of the Dragon 2024

January 16, 2024

(Yang Wood Dragon (Jia Chen) 10th February 2024 – 28th January 2025)

Worldwide, the year of the Rabbit/hare (what with viruses, wars, finances, and an energy crisis etc.) had been a daunting time.

Take heart, the year of the Yang wood Dragon 2024 will usher in a massive change because of the period 9 Flying star Feng Shui. (In Feng Shui, there are nine periods, with each period lasting 20 years in a 180-year.) Regardless, this change will not be immediate and, can either be good or bad, depending on the impetus and initiative. To ensure positive result, forego the indolent reflex of waiting for things to happen and instead, utilise (make the most) the advantages of the present time.

2024 Predictions for the Rat

The Rat can look forward to an overall productive and rewarding year in 2024.

Health for the Rat in 2024

The year of the Dragon 2024 will be an extremely busy and stressful time for the Rat; hence, they must be mindful of their diet and take time out regularly to relax/recharge, to prevent consequential (inevitable) burnout.  Moreover, the Rat, by frequently practicing mindfulness and meditation, could manage the (unavoidable) stress.

Work and career for the Rat in 2024

The Rats work life will be promising and those who are self-employed or run their own business, provided they put the extra effort in, could see their career ascending to new heights.

Rats who are employed in a company can also look forward to achieving (noteworthy results) definite progress in their vocation this year, particularly those who work indomitably hard and show dedication in their workplace.

Those considering changing career and those looking for work will benefit from remaining consistent in their search and by approaching potential employers as soon as an apt position is made available; this will ascertain (establish) the Rat’s repute (status) as a resolute and keen applicant and will lead to quick successful employment.

Finances for the Rat in 2024

The Rat must keep a close eye on their outgoing expenditures during 2024, however, as they will encounter unexpected costs during the year. This will not be a year of money worries though, and if they budget their money well during the Dragon year, also, whenever it is feasible set aside money, they should be able to attain those desired, costly objects (items) later in 2024. Older Rats should give thought to their long-term money goals during 2024 as the choices they make this year could be beneficial and they will be much better off in those retirement years.

Relationships for the Rat in 2024

The Rats love-life will be positive one during the year of the Dragon and there will be many Rats accomplishing major milestones with their partner this year. To derive full benefit from good relationship luck and to avoid issues, however, the Rat must regularly include their partner or loved ones in all their plans (aspirations) throughout 2024.

Single Rats who are looking for a solid relationship could achieve their goal, though they may have to go through few short-term relationships before meeting that someone with good prospects for the future.

Social and family life for the Rat in 2024

The Rats social life will be joyful and busy one (with friends, family, and loved ones) in the Dragon year. 2024 will be particularly an auspicious time for the Rat to socialise and to surf the internet, as there is a chance The Rat will encounter that special someone, and later still that will turn into an enduring relationship.

Overall summary for the Rats in 2024

It is looking to be a very promising year for the Rat, with lots to look forward to in different areas of their life. The Rat should however (be frugal or,) practice good spending habits this year to make the most of their money. Avoid careless overspending and reserve necessary time for researching those big purchases.

Rats are in affinity with the Ox. For their protection, they should have a key chain pendant of an Ox, or a Gold-plated Chinese Animal protection Talisman of an Ox with them always in 2024.

Lastly, wishing all the Rats a fantastic year of the Dragon.

2024 Predictions for the Ox

2024 can bring a lot of change and progress for any Oxen with a positive attitude and an action plan.

Health for the Ox in 2024

The Ox will need to keep an eye on their health and wellbeing during the Dragon year however, as there is a risk of the Ox neglecting their health and diet due to their busy lifestyle in 2024. It can be very beneficial for the Ox to practice good eating habits and take time out for exercise and meditation whenever possible.

Work and career for the Ox in 2024

The Oxen’s work life is auspicious (positive) this year, including those looking to change career and those looking for work in general; they can all look forward to exciting new opportunities in their career during the Dragon year. This is particularly so, for the Oxen who are trained in technology-based roles, as progression in employment is forecast for the Oxen in 2024.

Finances for the Ox in 2024

The Oxen’s finances are promising this year and there will be many who will make successful investments, as well, a major purchase such as buying a house in the Dragon year. The Oxen’s financial success however will depend on their spending habits, as there is a risk of overspending due to a careless approach to their expenditures (incurred costs). They should take an apt time when making a large purchase in 2024, and if they are pressed to make a hasty decision, it may be wiser to simply walk away.

Relationships for the Ox in 2024

The Oxen’s love life looks to be very promising during the Dragon year, particularly so, for the unattached Oxen. This is a great year for single Oxen to explore a partner with traits and interests that they previously hadn’t considered, as this can elucidate them as to what type of person they are considering for the long term.

For the Oxen who are already in a relationship, 2024 can bring plenty of joy and a relatively trouble-free year. All the same, the Oxen needs to keep their partner timely apprised (informed) of any new aspiration (goal) or activities, as this will circumvent (evade) any future (potential) conflict.

Social and family life for the Ox in 2024

The Oxen’s social life will be the highlight of their year, in 2024. The Oxen will have plenty opportunities to take part in varied hobbies and interests, which in turn puts the Oxen in contact with greater scope of people with akin pursuits (passions). It would be prudent for the Oxen to stay within their budget however, (stick to a careful and sensible approach to trips, activities, and equipment etc.) during their participation in these social events, as they tend (inclined) to be over-generous (get carried away) with their spending.

In the Dragon year, the Oxen’s relationships with others will be harmonious, additionally, they may find themselves rekindling old friendships with people from their past.

Overall summary for the Ox in 2024

Though the Ox will need to keep an eye on their health and finances in 2024, they could still enjoy a rewarding and successful year.

The Oxen are in affinity with the Rat, protection hence, they should have a key chain pendant of a Rat, or a Gold-plated Chinese Animal protection Talisman of a Rat with them in 2024.

Wishing all the Oxen a fantastic year of the Dragon.

2024 Predictions for the Tiger

2024 can be a very prosperous and exciting year for the Tiger, although to get the most out of the next 12 months, the Tiger should avoid acting on impulse and be serene (composed) when overseeing plans and decisions.

Health prediction for the Tiger in 2024

Tigers’ health and wellbeing will be relatively smooth sailing in the Dragon year, although it should be noted that any Tigers with existing conditions should consider alternative therapies that could be used alongside traditional medicine to provide further relief.

2024 being for the most part a busy year for the Tiger, it is imperative they allot (set aside) some leisure time (when necessary) for their personal wellbeing, stick to a good, sensible diet and more importantly, exercise regularly to maintain fitness and good health.

Work and career for the Tiger in 2024

The tiger’s career will go well in the Dragon year with recognition and advancements predicted. Many Tigers will find that their input is (recognized) appreciated and accepted in the workplace more during 2024 and resultantly, they’ll be able to engender (deliver) great results in their career which can then lead to a sure promotion.

Those looking to change career and those looking for employment in general during the Dragon year can benefit greatly from maintaining a positive attitude as their efforts will be eventually met with rewards. This is not a good year for the Tiger to idly sit back and hope that something will appear in front of them; a proactive search will help achieve results much faster.

Finances for the Tiger in 2024

Tigers’ finances will turn out well in 2024, although this will depend on their ability to budget wisely and shun (avoid) too many whim purchases. There is a risk of the Tiger overspending due to impulse and carelessness; meanwhile, it would be advisable for the Tiger to bide (take) their time and do a thorough research, before any large transactions/purchases.  The sensible Tiger can accrue (save) a large sum this year and then put this money aside, for future good use.

Relationships for the Tiger in 2024

Relationships and romance will play a big part in the Tigers’ life during 2024, and both single and married (committed to a relationship) Tigers can look forward to an enthusiastic (exciting) time. Single Tigers can find significant love this year, although it is important that they allow the relationship to progress at its natural pace and avoid moving it too quickly as this could lead to the new relationship burning out prematurely.

The Tigers who are already in a relationship or are married must (not be remiss/negligent) not let other matters in their life take priority, but instead, dedicate some time and energy to their (loved ones) better half.

Social and family life for the Tiger in 2024

The Dragon year for the Tiger socially will be an exciting one, as they have many events and trips to look forward to throughout the year. Taking time out from their busy schedule will benefit the Tiger (this could be a trip somewhere with friends or loved ones) not only with exultation (joy) but help them to recharge their vigour.

Overall summary for the Tiger in 2024

Overall, 2024 will be a year in which the Tiger will have to manage (prioritize and balance) their time well to preserve good health (mental and physical), attain fun (merriment) and to achieve sure success in all areas of their life.

The Tigers are in affinity with the Pig/Boar. For their protection, they should have a key chain pendant of a Pig, or a Gold-plated Chinese Animal protection Talisman of a Pig with them during the Dragon year.

Wishing all the Tigers, a fantastic year of the Dragon.

2024 Predictions for the Rabbit

The year of the Dragon can be a mixed year with highs and lows for the Rabbit if they are not careful, making this a crucial year for the Rabbit to stay alert (vigilant) and motivated. 2024 meanwhile, could be a fantastic year (with incredible change) for the Rabbits with positive attitude and those that are diligent towards their tasks and goals.

Health for the Rabbit in 2024

The Rabbit will need to keep an eye on their health and wellbeing during the year of the Dragon as there is a risk of neglect resulting in future issues in 2024. This will be a fast-paced year for the Rabbit and to avoid being spent (health being run down), they should practice good eating (nutritional) habits and do moderate amount of exercise throughout the year.

 Work and career for the Rabbit in 2024

The Rabbits career overall (and the existing projects that the Rabbit bring into the Dragon year) will go well in 2024; however, progress will be slow without dedication. To achieve the desired results in the workplace, the Rabbit therefore, needs to put an extra effort (vigour) into those new projects and goals.

Those looking to change career and those looking for employment in general during the Dragon year can benefit from exploring new fields (such as a different industry) where their skills can be put to a better use.  

Finances for the Rabbit in 2024

The Rabbit will need to manage their finances well in 2024 as they could end up losing money due to risky ventures, investments, gambling, or plain old carelessness. It pays for the Rabbit to be diligent (extra cautious) where finances are concerned this year; best seek professional advice when necessary. If the Rabbit takes care and avoid risks, they can (avoid disaster and still) make good use of their money.

Relationships and the social life for the Rabbit in 2024

The Rabbits’ love life, married or single, will go well this year.  The Rabbits will have a very active social life in the Dragon year; furthermore, they may face (encounter) various new situations and experiences that could bring a lot of bliss (harmony, happiness and ecstasy) into their life.

Single Rabbits can look forward to exciting opportunities for meeting a new partner and attaining a lasting relationship with that special someone in the Dragon year. The Rabbit who’s looking to settle down, would be wise to think about what they want out of a partner as this will allow them to avoid wasting their time on the incompatible (inapt) mate.

Married rabbit’s home life will be propitious and fulfilling; furthermore, there will be many who reach significant milestones with their life-partner or spouse during 2024. This is a great time for the Rabbit to arrange events and trips with their loved ones (close family members) as this will help strengthen the relationship bonds and create delightful memories. Moreover, if finances and time allow it, additional benefits can be had from learning (collaborative) new skills and hobbies.

Overall summary for the Rabbit in 2024

All in all, this could be a propitious (favorable) year for the Rabbit, provided they direct some care and attention to certain areas of their life during the Dragon year: such as avoid rushing into financial decisions and keeping an eye on their health and wellbeing.

The Rabbits are in affinity with the Dog. For their protection, they should have a key chain pendant of a Dog, or a Gold-plated Chinese Animal protection Talisman of a Dog with them always in 2024.

Finally, wishing all the Rabbits, a fantastic year of the Dragon.

2024 Predictions for the Dragon

The Dragons can expect steady progress and ample reward in 2024. Dragons staunch (firm) determination and positive outlook will serve them well this year; moreover, those who prepare early will reap excellent results from their efforts.

Health for the Dragon in 2024

2024 will be a busy year for the Dragon and while there is nothing major to worry about health wise, it always pays to take preventative measures such as maintaining good eating habits and getting regular exercise whenever possible.

Work and career for the Dragon in 2024

The Dragons career can be the highlight of their year in 2024, anything from being simply appreciated (valued) to impendent promotions. The Dragons should find that, in contrast to the hurdles they’d faced in previous years, they are now able to work with things going smoothly and lot more efficiently; moreover, those who prepare and set goals for this year well in advance, (earlier on) should promptly reap the rewards. One area that will require care in the Dragons work life nonetheless, will be the paperwork; make sure to double check contracts, terms, accounts and in general, bookkeeping, to avoid probable mistakes.

Those who are wishing to change career or gain new employment can benefit from having good luck in their search in 2024. The Dragon must be actively assiduous (tenacious, meticulous) in their hunt however, so as not to miss any good opportunities.

Finances for the Dragon in 2024

The Dragons finances will be propitious this year; their money (funds, savings, assets etc.) with careful planning and attention can be put to good use with investments and purchases. Before any transaction the Dragon should take the time to research best price and options though, as this can help save them a large sum of money when making a significant (huge) purchase in 2024.

Relationships for the Dragon in 2024

The Dragon’s love life in general, will go well in 2024. Those who are in a relationship should see their affection (affiliation, love) moving forward in the right direction. There will be some Dragons whose relationship will terminate (come to an end) this year; even so, this may not be an entirely bad thing, as this will allow them to focus on their personal wellbeing and find a more suitable (compatible) new love.

This is also an auspicious (favourable) time for any single and unattached Dragons who are looking for an enduring relationship and there will be many who will meet that desirable companion this year. Meanwhile, the Dragon can increase their chances of finding a suitable mate in 2024 by remaining socially active, as they can be put in touch with a potential partner through an existing friend or family this year.

Social and domestic life for the Dragon in 2024

The Dragon can look forward to profuse social events and copious new opportunities (new acquaintances/relationships); furthermore, this will be a great year for strengthening existing relationships.

The Dragons home life will be particularly promising one this year; naturally, this will be a highlight in many Dragons’ lives. Family, and domestic life in general, can bring abundant bliss to the Dragon, hence, they should balance their schedule to make sure that they have plentiful time to take advantage of this.

This is a great year for the Dragon to acquire (learn) new skills and if they had something they’d secretly longed to try their hand at, 2024 is certainly the time to begin (jump in).

Overall summary for the Dragon in 2024

Overall, this will be a fantastic year for the Dragon with great promise of progression and rewards; and by managing their time well, they can guarantee (make certain) this be a fruitful and exuberant (vivacious) 2024.

The Dragons are in affinity with the Rooster. Dragons should, therefore, keep a key chain pendant of a Rooster or a Gold-plated Chinese Animal protection Talisman of a Rooster with them all during the year.

 Wishing all the Dragons, a fantastic 2024. 

2024 Predictions for the Snake

The Dragon year will be a great year for the Snake; however, their success and enjoyment during the next twelve months will depend on their ability to work hard, focus on the task at hand, and follow through with their ideas and plans. There could be some distractions for the Snake in 2024 during which time they must stay focused and consider their options wisely.

Health for the Snake in 2024

2024 will be a demanding (particularly busy) year for the Snake; therefore, to reduce the resultant stress, they should dedicate some time to their mental wellbeing and ensure that they are in their best form to deal with anything that comes their way. The Snake may also benefit from preventative measures and, whenever they can, engage in low impact exercise, meditation or partake in joyful activities during the Dragon year.

Work and career for the Snake in 2024

The Snakes work life will go rather well and those who are well established in their career may find themselves (due to previous efforts on the Snakes part and their interactions with those in a higher position) in a new role or promoted. Those with a career in finance and investment should apply caution when making decisions however, as it can be easy to be remiss (miss something) and make a mistake during 2024.

The Snakes who are looking to change careers and those looking for work in general in 2024, will have plenty of opportunities to enter a new position. The Snake should be open to different and short-term employment though, as this can lead to something more promising arrangement (title, status) in the future.

Finances for the Snake in 2024

The Snakes finances will be promising overall, although the balance at the end of the fiscal year will depend on their budgeting skills and thorough perusal of documents/paperwork. The Snake should remember to shop around when making large purchases in 2024 as this will help avoid overspending and save a nice sum to be put aside to be used in other areas of their life. Better to avoid haste and be vigilant with paperwork before finalizing any large acquisition (such as a house or car), as important information could easily be missed with costly (dire) consequence to the Snake.

Relationships for the Snake in 2024

The Snakes love life will go well in 2024, although they must make sure not to neglect their significant other as this could lead to arguments or worse, if the Snake is not careful this year. It would be wise for the Snake to dedicate a good amount of time to their partner throughout the year, as this will help keep the relationship strong (solidify the relationship) and moving forward in the right direction.

Single (unattached) Snakes can look forward to a promising love life if they are open to finding a partner. Those who prioritise other areas of their life may miss opportunities for finding true love and would be wise to keep a look out for that special someone in an unexpected place. Finally, do not discount chance, as it could play a big part in the Snake’s love life in 2024.

Social and family life for the Snake in 2024

The snake’s social life will be a busy one this year and while it may seem a good option to cancel plans with friends and loved ones for something new or (perceived as more exiting and) more important, the Snake should try to avoid doing this too often as this could lead to disagreements with those close to him. The Snakes needs to manage their time well this year and try incorporating their friends and loved ones into sundry (varied, diverse) areas of their life.

The Snake’s home life will go well in the Dragon year, although much like their social life, they will need to dedicate time to their intimate family and do more tasks around the house. The Snake can benefit from taking a trip with their loved ones this year as this will be welcomed by all and provide the Snakes some valuable downtime in their hectic schedule.

Snakes are in affinity with the Monkey. For their protection, they should have a key chain pendant of a Monkey, or a Gold-plated Chinese Animal protection Talisman of a Monkey with them always.

Overall summary for the Snake in 2024

Overall, the year of the Dragon will be a very busy year for the Snake and for those who can balance their time well, this can be a fruitful and enjoyable time.

Wishing all the Snakes, a fantastic year of the Dragon.

2024 Predictions for the Horse

The year of the Dragon could be a mixed year for the Horse with some challenges predicted in certain areas of their life. If the Horse maintains calm and positive attitude however, they can minimise or eradicate most of the problems and disputes that may arise in 2024.

Health for the Horse in 2024

The Horse can look forward to overall good health this year; nevertheless, it’s best to adopt good diet and exercise habits early on, as this will prevent the Horse from feeling run down and to escape minor illnesses in more hectic months in 2024. The Horses who have been a long-term smokers should try quitting it this year, therefore, enjoy the positive difference in their health and well being in 2024.

Work and career for the Horse in 2024

The Horses work life will go well in the Dragon year. When at work, the Horse should avoid haste however, as this most likely lead to bad results and take far longer time to correct (fix) it. For Horses who are meticulous and avoid short cuts, could expect apt recognition for their efforts in 2024.

Those looking to change career and those seeking employment in general, will find a stable position in a good company this year. Be that as it may, avoid taking shortcuts and if something seems too good to be true, approach it with caution.

Finances for the Horse in 2024

If the Horse is not careful, rushing into any new ventures and opportunities could result in losses. It is imperative therefore that the Horse does not hasten into anything where finances are concerned; due diligence and research will go a long way in preventing the Horse from making costly mistakes and instead, allow them to make the most of their investments (money) in 2024. Moreover, the Horse can make good use of their money by setting up a saving plan this year, this is especially so for younger Horses, for it will pave the way for future wealth.

Relationships for the Horse in 2024

The Horses love-life will go well this year and there will be many Horses who take their relationship to the next level in 2024. It is important nevertheless, to take the time to consider what they want in long term from their partner and to adjust accordingly.

Single (unattached) Horses can also look forward to an auspicious luck in their love life in 2024, and from the start, take into consideration how they want their relationship to progress. Those who are aspiring for a long-term love relationship, can actively seek a partner but not rush into it or settle for a quick result.

Social and family life for the Horse in 2024

The Horse will have a gratifying sociable year with lots of events to look forward to with friends and family. Both single and married Horses will attain plenty of joy from their home life, meanwhile, their family members will be a great source of help and support in 2024. Now ordinarily, the Horse is a very caring and helpful (nurturing) person by nature, but they should remember that while they are happy to help others, they should in return get some of the necessary positive feedback for their overall well being. It can be hard to detect when someone is (in dire straights) struggling; subsequently, it is important that the Horse asks for help when it is needed, as acting solitary can sometimes be overwhelming.

Overall summary for the Horse in 2024

Overall, 2024 will be a successful year for the Horse provided they can approach things with care and attention. Shortcuts can prove time consuming in the long run and haste can lead to mistakes, so best take things at a gradual pace and take care.

Horses are in affinity with the Sheep/Goat; for their protection, they should have a key chain pendant of a Sheep/Goat, or a Gold-plated Chinese Animal protection Talisman of a Monkey with them always.

Wishing the Horses, a fantastic year of the Dragon.

2024 Predictions for the Goat/Sheep

The year of the Dragon will be an auspicious one (with advancements in career and finances) for the Goat/Sheep.

Health for the Goat in 2024

The Goats/Sheep will have a busy Dragon year, and resultant (consequent) of hectic lifestyle, they are more likely to often eat convenience (take-out) food, that could lead to weight gain and health issues later. They should therefore practise good dietary (nutritional) habits and exercise regularly throughout 2024. 

Work and career for the Goat in 2024

The Goat will have a busy and productive work life in the year of the Dragon and there will be many who will achieve an elevated position or being given extra responsibilities in 2024.

Finances for the Goat in 2024

The Goats finances will be very promising in Dragon year; many through their effort in the workplace will see an increase in income, which will help the Goat to get through 2024 with far less financial stress.

The Goats’ money will be put to good use this year; nonetheless, it would wise to set aside small amount for a rainy day and towards future big purchases. Meanwhile, any impulse buying should be avoided, as it could lead to overspending. A prudent (sensible) thing would be to have a thorough research and seek financial advice (when warranted) before concluding (clinching) any transaction or acquiring a large item, to avoid wasting a great deal of time and money.

Relationships (Social and family life) for the Goat in 2024

The Goats love-life will generally be smooth (placid, easy-going), and they can look forward to an enjoyable (gratifying) time with their partner, provided that is, there are no pre-existing issues when they’d entered 2024. Meanwhile, the Goat can get a lot of satisfaction from their spouse (mate) in the Dragon year and should include their significant other in their plans whenever possible.

The Goats/Sheep may need to remain flexible with plans with their family, especially since unexpected things could abruptly occur (crop up).  Additionally, they may need to gain (attain) various new skills and interests, that might be helpful in accomplishing a lot more (necessary bunch of things) around the house during 2024.

Single (unattached) Goats will also be plenty busy with friends and loved ones this year, which will ease stress in other areas of their life. There will be ample opportunities for them to meet new people (being easier to relate to others), as well, find love during 2024. Best to remain vigilant in detecting any signs of flirting or an interest from someone new, and then, allow the new relationship to grow at a natural pace (avoid rushing things along) this year.

This is also a great year for the (married or single) Goat to reconnect with past friends and loved ones, leading to old friendships being mended and revitalised.

Overall summary for the Goat/Sheep in 2024

Overall, this will be a great year for the Goat and one where they can make advancements in all areas of their life. There will be many who see an increase in finances this year, although it would be wise for all Goats to budget wisely in 2024, to make sure their money goes further.

The Goats are in affinity with the Horse. For their protection, they should have a key chain pendant of a Horse, or a Gold-plated Chinese Animal protection Talisman of a Horse with them always.

Wishing The Goats, a fantastic year of the Dragon.

2024 Predictions for the Monkey

The year of the Dragon can be a great year for the Monkey, and they can enjoy success in career, finances, relationships etc. in 2024 provided they put in the necessary effort (when warranted) towards achieving their goal.

Health for the Monkey in 2024

The Monkeys overall health will be auspicious this year and there is nothing bad predicted; although this being a busy year, they should practice sensible eating habits and do regular exercise to maintain good health during the Dragon year.

Work and career for the Monkey in 2024

The Monkey can make progress in their career if they dedicate time and energy into it, meanwhile, making sure their acquired (learnt) skills are up to date. The Monkeys work life can move at a slow pace if they simply sit back and wait for something to happen.

Monkeys can also derive full benefit from putting themselves forward (in their workplace) for new projects.

Those looking to change career and those seeking employment in general can find themselves in a good position this year, although inserting a positive mindset into their extra effort in their search would be highly beneficial.

Finances for the Monkey in 2024

The Monkey should take care and remain cautious when dealing with their finances in the Dragon year as there is a real risk of loss. 2024 is not the best time for the Monkey to spend frivolously; instead of making too many impulse purchases, they should put aside some (funds) money. Moreover, when making large purchases this year, the Monkey would be wise to seek financial advice, when necessary, as this will help avoid costly mistakes.

Relationships for the Monkey in 2024

Relationships are looking to be a high point in the year of the Dragon for the Monkey, and they can look forward to smooth-sailing good times with their partner, provided there are no existing conflicts in the relationship. The Monkey should, therefore, resolve any major issues before entering the year of the Dragon.

Social and family life for the Monkey in 2024

The Monkeys social life will bring them lot of joy, with many reconnecting with old friends and loved ones during 2024. The Monkey should allot (set aside) ample time to staying in touch with their current friends as it can help the Monkey resolve some major issues, as well, provide plenty motivation and fun over the next twelve months.

The Monkeys home life can also bring them lots of happiness; the family and loved ones at home will help keep them in a positive mindset and spur them on to do their utmost throughout the year of the Dragon.

Overall summary for the Monkey in 2024

Overall, the Monkey will have to work harder than usual to achieve the desired result in 2024, although, if they are able to focus on the important things in life, dedicate apt effort and energy towards attaining their key goals, by the Dragon year’s end they should enjoy laudable victories.

The Monkeys are in affinity with the Snake. For their protection, they should have a key chain pendant of a Snake, or a Gold-plated Chinese Animal protection Talisman of a Snake with them always.

Wishing all the Monkeys, a fantastic year of the Dragon.

2024 Predictions for the Rooster

2024 will be fantastic, eventful year for the Rooster with lots going on over the next twelve months; with the Roosters natural passion and drive, they are destined for great heights. Roosters keep in mind, this being a particularly busy time, they need to find a good balance to enjoy everything that comes their way.

In 2024, while luck is on Roosters side, difficulties may arise from time to time, when that happens, Rooster should approach them decisively and confidently as they can easily be overcome.  Moreover, they should maintain that positive outlook and put in a genuine effort towards their goals.

Health for the Rooster in 2024

It is important that the Rooster takes care of their health and mental wellbeing during the Dragon year as they may find themselves overdoing it in different aspects of their life, which can then leave to them feeling rundown and suffering from minor bugs. Getting plenty of rest, eating well, and staying active (by taking up walking, trying new exercise or anything that is different from what they had been doing) will help the Rooster to maintain good physical and mental health, as well, to focus on their goals this year.

This is also a good time for the Rooster, to learn how to meditate or simply, relax. Even though the year is propitious, Rooster should reserve time, to pampering self and freeing their mind from needless worry, particularly during those rare but likely (potential) down times.

Work and career for the Rooster in 2024

Those Roosters looking to change career, or a job can benefit from luck and their positive attitude during the year of the Dragon. The Rooster can look forward to advancements and new opportunities becoming available to them in the workplace.  They can receive a lot of valuable guidance/advice and good help from co-workers during 2024, provided they humbly ask it when it is needed. Meanwhile, there will be many Roosters who will embark on that coveted, long-term positions in 2024.

The unemployed Rooster looking for a job in general, can boost their chances of finding and landing that solid position, by simply making their intentions known to friends, family etc., and, with their widescale, diligent search.  

Finances for the Rooster in 2024

The Roosters finances will go well in 2024 and they will be able to put their money to good use when making purchases and investments this year. It always pays to be diligent (careful) however, so do your research (investigate) and evaluate (gage) all options before the final transaction of any major acquisitions (procurements) this year.

Relationships, social and family life for the Rooster in 2024

The Roosters social life all in all will go well in 2024 and they will regularly be included in group activities and events. During the Dragon year the Roosters will enjoy partying with friends and loved ones, in which time they will be able to help a lot of people with good advice and support.

Single (unattached) Roosters who are looking for love, if they are socially active, can look forward to a strong, propitious (auspicious) luck during the year of the Dragon; also, by going to clubs and searching through dating apps (as this will help improve their chances a great deal), they can meet that special someone or find a suitable new partner with far less effort than last year. What’s more, there will be many Roosters who take significant steps in their relationship during 2024 by moving in together or getting married.

Those Roosters that are already in a (solid) relationship, things will go well for them in 2024, provided they include their partner in all their plans in this hectic year. The Roosters will enjoy a tranquil home life, during which time they will be able to provide ample bliss (pleasure) and support to their family. The Roosters can also benefit from making home improvements around the house this year and should find that projects seem to go smoothly in 2024.

Overall summary for the Rooster in 2024

Overall, 2024 will be a fantastic year for the Rooster and one where they can accomplish a lot and enjoy what the year brings into their life. Roosters should make sure however, to keep an eye on their health and wellbeing during this typically busy Dragon year.

Roosters are in affinity with the Dragon. For their protection, they should have a key chain pendant of a Dragon, or a Gold-plated Chinese Animal protection Talisman of a Dragon with them always.

Wishing all the Roosters a fantastic year of the Dragon.

2024 Predictions for the Dog

The Dog is the conflict animal with Dragon, however, when the Dog is aware of potential issues before they manifest and deal with it, they can still have a pretty good year.

Health for the Dog in 2024

The Dog should practise good health habits, such as eat well (nutritional foods) and get regular exercise in 2024. This will keep them in good shape and prevent illnesses during the year.  Any Dogs with a pre-existing condition can benefit from researching it this year (as this could lead them on a new path) and they could, therefore, manage their ailment (disorder) better.

Work and career for the Dog in 2024

The Dogs work life at times may be quite hectic this year; therefore, to avoid stress and to stay on top of things, they should direct their key focus on those major issues and tasks. For many Dogs, their previous years’ efforts may also start bringing results this year, which would lead to promotion and added responsibilities.

Those looking to change career and those looking for employment in general can, without difficulty, achieve desired results this year; however, beneficial outcome would depend on their   good communicational skills and being active (persistence) on recruitment websites.  

Finances for the Dog in 2024

The Dog should be cautious with their finances during the year of the Dragon, as investments can bring risks. If uncertain, the Dog can always seek professional advice before concluding any large transaction; meanwhile, it is a favorable year for the Dog to be charitable and make donations to any worthy cause. Good deeds will bring positive returns.

Relationships, social and family life for the Dog in 2024

The Dragon year presents an excellent opportunity for the single (unattached) Dogs to find true love (romance) provided they are diligent in their search, go on dating apps and make sure they let their intentions be known to friends and loved ones.  The Dog who is looking (for long term relationship) to settle down, should efficaciously (effectively) communicate their future hopes and dreams when they come across that special someone, in the meantime, ascertaining that they both have akin goals (aspirations).

The married Dogs overall love life will be propitious (favorable), provided there are no other areas of their life bringing conflict into the relationship.  The Dog as a rule should avoid arguments with their partner (loved one) in 2024 and try to resolve any tiff (spat, dispute) before it gets out of hand this year. The Dogs home life will be auspicious in the Dragon year so long as they competently manage (and budget well) their outgoings and projects. Maintaining good communication with the other inhabitants (residents) of home in 2024 meanwhile, will provide the Dog plenty of joy and harmony.

Both single and married Dogs can get a lot of help and support from close friends and family during the Dragon year; therefore, the Dog without reserve should communicate his/her inner worries and plans to them. This can help the Dog resolve most of his/her pesky problems in the Dragon year. The Dogs should also earmark (allocate) ample time for their friends this year, as this will help bring joy and calm into their life.

Overall summary for the Dog in 2024

Overall, the Dogs will have to exercise caution in various areas of their life to avoid problems from materializing this year. If they can adapt good communication skills, they can effectively avoid a lot of potential issues from resurfacing and instead, enjoy a peaceful and rather contented year.

Dogs are in affinity with the Rabbit. For their protection, they should have a key chain pendant of a Rabbit, or a Gold-plated Chinese Animal protection Talisman of a Rabbit with them always.

 Wishing all the Dogs, a fantastic year of the Dragon.

2024 Predictions for the Pig

The year of the Dragon will bring some obstacles for the Pig this year; however, by being aware of these potential risks, they can take apt measures and avoid them, as well, achieve great things in 2024.

Health for the Pig in 2024

The Pig should pay particular attention to their health and wellbeing this year, by practicing sensible diet and getting plenty of exercise and meditation. Any Pigs who are sedentary most of the day and frequently enjoy fast food, would be advised to consider salubrious (healthy, wholesome) alternatives, such as meal plans, to evade any weight related issues.

Work and career for the Pig in 2024

The Pig will have a propitious work life this year; furthermore, they can derive benefit from their previous’ years efforts to further their goals in 2024. It’s advisable for the Pig however, to scrutinize well (double check) all the contracts and paperwork before their final submission, to avoid any undetected errors.

Pigs who work in a dangerous job would be wise to take extra precautions during the Dragon year and look to upgrade safety equipment if it is outdated.

Those Pigs looking to change career and those looking for employment in general, can look forward to good opportunities this year; although, they must be vigilant and thoroughly scrutinize (inspect, analyse) any contracts before rendering their final decision.

Finances for the Pig in 2024

The Pigs finances will be a promising one this year, and they will find that they can put their money to good use. Pigs wishing to increase their wealth, should be on the lookout for great opportunities during 2024 and when they do arise take apt advantage (jump in). In the meantime, it is always wise to set aside money for any unexpected expense that may arise during the year of the Dragon. Also, remember to be cautious when signing any contracts and it is always a good idea to have a trusted loved one or a professional double-check the terms before the final commitment.

Relationships for the Pig in 2024

The Pigs love life will be propitious one this year and they can strengthen their existing relationship during the year of the Dragon by listening to their partner and including their opinion before making decisions. Happily, married Pigs (or those living with significant other) can expect a relatively trouble-free home life and, they can greatly benefit from going on a trip or planning several fun activities during 2024.

Single (unattached) Pigs will also have an auspicious luck this year; some may even find love in somewhere unexpected. There will be few Pigs who find romance in the Dragon year with someone they had previously deemed (considered as) a close friend. Any Pigs who tend to spend a lot of time on their own can benefit from looking into clubs or teams where they can meet akin (alike) people. This is a great year for the Pig to travel if time and finances allow it.

Social and family life for the Pig in 2024

The Pigs social life will be a highlight of their year in 2024 with them taking part in numerous pleasurable (joyous) events and activities with friends and loved ones. The Pigs can benefit from joint endeavours (occasions) this year and should not shy away from planning sundry, rather cool (exciting) parties (merriments, celebrations).

 Overall summary for the Pig in 2024

Overall, the Pigs can look forward to a great year in 2024 provided they pay attention to their health and be wary when handling paperwork and contracts; heedful (vigilant) measures will help the Pig to avoid many issues in 2024.

Pigs are in affinity with the Tiger. For their protection, they should have a key chain pendant of a Tiger, or a Gold-plated Chinese Animal protection Talisman of a Tiger with them always.

Wishing all the Pigs, a fantastic year of the Dragon.

Best Wishes to all, from BoSt

November 24, 2012

More useful websites from Savvy Writers.

Savvy Writers & e-Books online


PART TWO “Advertise” your Book for FREE
See the first 50 websites here

Forums / Networks / Book Communities / Book Bloggers – all this means free Promotion for your book!

For your book to sell, you need to create the demand. You need an audience, a platform – which you will get when your book is showing up on many websites and forums, visible to readers.





View original post 299 more words

November 24, 2012

A very useful list of websites to help self publishers.

Savvy Writers & e-Books online


PART ONE Tips to “Advertise” your Book for FREE:  Forums / Networks / Book Communities / Book Bloggers – all this means free show casing of your book and free PR.  

For your book to sell, you need to create the demand. You need an audience, a platform – which you will get when your book is showing up on many websites and forums, visible to readers, bloggers and to book reviewers.

Here are fifty links to top websites for you and tomorrow’s blog post will bring you even more!

  12.    …

View original post 354 more words

November 17, 2012

I have always thought that the Dark Ages were dark because of the economic system of the time, the inevitable result of might making right.

A Frivolous Endeavour

Atheists and secularists frequently use the so-called ‘Dark Ages’ as evidence of Christianity’s oppressive power,Knights that the ‘darkness’ of the age was due to the stifling effect of organised religion. They argue that from the fall of Rome to the Renaissance all scientific endeavour ground to a halt, that Europe (the region to which the followers of the carpenter were largely confined) existed in an appalling state of intellectual squalor, and that the cause of this was the oppressive teachings of men in pointy hats. Some atheists proclaim that Islam is in the midst of its own ‘Dark Age’ today, but, since it has the incomparable benefit of living next door to civilised people, it should shake off its shackles and join the modern world. My views on faith are no secret, summed up neatly by Émile Zola: “Civilization will not attain perfection until the last stone, from the last…

View original post 1,823 more words

February 8, 2012

Very informative article on just what they put into and on our food.


Fancy yourself a vegetarian or vegan?

Think that the label that says “organically grown” has anything to do with the packaging, storage, and transport of that product to stores?

What if I told you that cow, pig, and chicken collagen is now used in place of wax on your fruits and vegetables, among many other  things much worse than you can probably imagine?

And what if then I told you, as with most atrocities that happen now-a-days, that this is all approved by the FDA…

Since the early 12th century, there has been a tradition of applying wax onto the skins of fruits and vegetables for longer storage life. Today, that tradition is being carried on with a whole new generation of chemicals and compounds that are genetically designed to accomplish the same goal. But in these modern times, the health and well-being of the consumer of that apple is not…

View original post 7,760 more words

Happy New Year Everyone

December 30, 2011

Best of luck in the New Year. May 2012 bring you Good Health, Happiness, Prosperity and Peace

Please Click here to sing along Auld Lang Syne, to usher in the 2011:


No Keystone XL Surrounds the White House Nov. 6, 2011

November 7, 2011
  1. #Keystone pits environmentalists & labor groups against each other; it will be one of the most consequential decisions of Obama’s presidency
  2. #AFLCIO is NOT with the people on Keystone. They WANT the #Keystone pipeline #noKXL
  3. “@billmckibben #Keystone Kill$ As Many Jobs As It Creates~That’s From The Only Study Not Paid 4 By TransCanada #OWS
  4. Jobs: TransCanada’s jobs projections are vastly inflated. #facts #NOKXL
  5. @Noctambulations With over 100,000 American jobs on the line, Obama is NOT going to stop #Keystone from happening. Wake up guys.
  6. GLI Study finds #Keystone XL pipeline will create few jobs #noKXL via @feedly
  7. BREAKING: In Washington Post, Admits Keystone XL Jobs are a Pipe Dream @tarsandsaction
  8. Protests against Keystone pipeline demonstrates just how uneducated some educated people are. #EthicalOil #Pipeline #Keystone #skvotes
  9. #Koch subsidiary Flint Hills told Canada’s govmnt it “has a direct and substantial interest in…the pipeline” #noKXL #keystone #GetMoneyOut
  10. new blog exposes #koch connection to #keystone pipeline via @huffingtonpost #green #eco #noKXL cc @TarSandsAction
  11. RT @robertgreenwald: new blog exposes #koch connection to #keystone pipeline via @huffingtonpost #green #eco #noKXL cc @TarSandsAction
  12. Don’t Let Obama take a Koch Check | #NOkxl #Obama #99percent #keystonexl #tarsands #Koch #USDOR #OccupyDC #OWS
  13. #keystone xl pipeline should go through. People before the environment. this would create 100k & reduce costs we pay for daily. no brainer
  14. RT @LCVoters: The Top-10 Myths Vs. Facts About #Keystone XL #NoKXL /via @NWF
  15. RT @ClimateReality: Annual CO2 emissions from Alberta’s #tarsands are higher than emissions from 145 nations in the world
  16. #TarSands Oil Extraction – The Dirty Truth: #NoKXL
  17. Energy Security: Tar Sand will not Reduce Dependence on Foreign Oil #facts #NOKXL
  18. Gas prices: Keystone XL will increase gas prices for Americans—Especially Farmers #facts #NOKXL
  19. Gloria sings the Canadian and U.S. national anthem! We are one people! Standing up for our one planet! #nokxl
  20. My statement against the #Keystone tar sands pipeline. RT @msKRIT: “We, the People, cannot accept this” – @VanJones68
  21. Sen. Sanders speaks about the #KeystoneXL pipeline. #noKXL #tarsands #keystone
  22. @350 Gov. Shumlin stands with the #Vermonters in D.C. today protesting the #Keystone Pipeline. Share your stories of the day #nokxl
  23. #Keystone XL pipeline = disaster waiting to happen = corporate greed – #tarsands #oilsands #kxl #NoTarsands
  24. RT @suzyji: Earthquake on Keystone XL Pipeline route in Ok. #nokxl #tarsands
  25. We promise not to spill…much. ” #KeystoneXL Is The Wrong Future for America” #NoKXL #tlot #p2 #gopfail #koch
  26. Canadian regulators dismiss permit violation claims against @TransCanada on #Keystone XL construction. (via @reuters)
  27. #Koch oil profits hurt American homes and new petition I just signed could stop them #oil #politics #green
  28. #NOkxl: TransCanada responds after thousands at White House for Keystone XL protest | #tarsands #occupydc #Obama
  29. Maude Barlow speaks to the importance of water protection and concern for future pipelines. #noKXL #surround @TarSandsAction
  30. Maude Barlow’s Washington speech at #Surround: Maude Barlow joined more than 12,000 peaceful demonstrators from …
  31. Dan Choi recognized in the crowd. #noKXL #surround @TarSandsAction
  32. #Tarsands protest goes Hollywood; Margot Kidder Julia Louis-Dreyfus asks2halt Pipeline #noKXL #eco
  33. Actor Mark Ruffalo spoke with CBC News Network today about the #Keystone Pipeline
  34. Robert Redford Urges You to Join the Keystone XL Protest Today – @ECOWATCHorg @TarSandsAction
  35. What a 10-year-old did 4 the #TarSands ~ Song “Shallow Waters.” Video has hit YouTube & been viewed >53,000 times.
  36. The part I don’t get is, why drag it to Texas to refine? Why not northern states? Anyone? #Keystone #KeystoneXL #noxkl
  37. RT @LCVoters: In bed with Big Oil? Lawmakers pushing for #Keystone XL got 9x more dirty energy $$$ than those that aren’t: #NoKXL
  38. Canada, why are you creating a pipeline of oil to Texas???? #wtf #tarsands
  39. Canada PM says #Keystone XL pipeline crucial for U.S. energy policy, job creation.
  40. #Keystone pipeline is an EXPORT pipeline. Valero energy refining almost 100% of oil and exporting to Europe and S. America.
  41. Canadian tar #oil is going to be produced regardless of #Keystone approval. #pipeline on rail $CP
  42. The ruthless1%:Canadian energy companies say if Americans reject #Keystone project,they will pump crude 2 Asia #cdnpoli
  43. Canadian officials love to use Asia as a bogeyman. Too bad this is not rooted in current reality. via @reuters #noKXL
  44. By protesting democratic oil from Canada, you are implicitly supporting oil from OPEC. Do you care about human rights? #nokxl #oilsands
  45. “There’s no such thing as ‘ethical oil'” – Peace Laureate Jody Williams #nokxl
  46. Jody told the crowed 9 Nobel Laureates who sent letter to Obama to stop #KeystoneXL pipeline will be there til the end. #NoKXL @nobelwomen
  47. @AltaKocker @TarSandsAction @GottaLaff USA will get oil from Venezuela (dirtier oil) if no Keystone Pipeline; that’s a fact.
  48. Tar sands oil is the most expensive way to get oil, price per barrel will NOT reduce if #Keystone is allowed. Oil w/ be shipped to China.
  49. Oil has to be over $100.00/barrel to make profits for Big Oil from #Keystone. Prices will not reduce, oil will be exported. Its about profit
  50. Pipeline or the oil? Safest is to cut back the 15M barrels a day habit! #EnergyEfficiency is toxin free. #Keystone #KXL
  51. Of the worlds top 10 oil reserve countries, who has the best environmental oversight and regulation? CANADA! #oilsands #tarsands #nokxl
  52. RT @NRDC: Strip-mining & drilling in the wild boreal forest has created an industrial wasteland the size of Chicago. Say #noKXL
  53. @vanjones68, ex-WH advisor, calls for civil disobedience, mass arrests on every mile of #Keystone… #nokxl
  54. Van Jones Sends Solidarity to Everyone at the White House Today @tarsandsaction
  55. #U.S. should secure #Keystone #Pipeline via @SpringfieldNL
  56. Crowds are beginning to gather at the @WhiteHouse to protest the #KeystoneXL pipeline. #nokxl
  57. Big protest outside White House today: thousands of activists are urging him to scrap the #Keystone #oil pipeline from Canada
  58. CONFIRMED: President Obama will be home today. Several thousand people will be paying a visit to ask him to say no to Keystone XL. #noKXL
  59. “We need President Obama to be the leader that ends the tyranny of oil” @billmckibben at @tarsandsaction @WhiteHouse:
  60. 25k have signed to stop the Keystone XL Pipeline. Thousands more will surround the @WhiteHouse this Sunday: #nokxl
  61. Keystone tar sands protest: In action, encircling the white house. #freespeech #occupy #whitehouse #keystone
  62. .@Guardian story by @suzyji: Thousands protest at the White House against #Keystone XL pipeline #tarsands #nokxl
  63. VIDEO: Raw footage of today’s #Keystone XL pipeline. Cast of thousands. via @AP #nokxl
  64. 12,000 #tarsands Protesters Wrap White House in Human Chain #noKXL #cdnpoli #ableg
  65. Can’t make it to DC tomorrow? Send a note. Tell President Obama: Stop Keystone XL! @tarsandsaction
  66. Video of @TarSandsAction Keystone XL protest today #noKXL
  67. Friends peacefully protested the #Keystone Pipeline MT @350: Today, we surrounded the @whitehouse w/row after row of hope #nokxl
  69. We Don’t Fight the Power, We Are the Power @TarSandsAction #noKXL
  70. amen!!! “@350Washington: 12,000 people circled the White House today #noKXL #TarSands Yes we can- stop the pipeline!
  71. This was amazing: 1200 people surround the White House to ask Obama to reject Keystone XL: #noKXL
  72. WOW. Thousands surround the White House to tell Obama to stop the Keystone oil pipeline. Amazing photos: #nokxl @350
  73. @billmckibben … CNN just aired an ExxonMobil commercial promoting the #tarsands project saying emissions would be the same? False advert?
  74. Today’s #nokxl action surrounding White House was historic. Networks that didn’t cover it yet run pro-#tarsands ads should be ashamed.
  75. @TarSandsAction No coverage from NBC on 6pm news! But Prince William & Kate made it!!! Shame on NBC!
  76. .@TarSandsAction I wonder what # Fox will report. There were 15,000 of us; they’ll probably say 1500. If it was Tea Party, they say 150,000.
  77. Why’s ExxonMobil advertising, on TV no less, a push for Oil Sands? Shameless! #nokxl
  78. If you care about #future help #environment..please sign @IS_Foundation’s petition PLZ SIGN OR SPREAD THE WORLD! #noKXL
  79. Tar Sands Action: Native Americans to President Obama: Honor Your Word: #Obama #NOKXL
  80. “@edmontonjournal: Massive protest calls for U.S. to nix Keystone #tarsands pipeline #nokxl
  81. #NoKXL friends: We’re working to #surround and stop the #tarsands on the west coast too! Follow @BenWest for updates. #TankersFreeBC
  82. #nokxl #ows #occupyvictoria 99% linking occupy movement with stop pipeline movement 12K people surround whitehouse!
  83. #Indigenous anti-#TarSands anti-mining march under way in downtown Vancouver. #noKXL #surround
  84. Day 25: My heart is heavy. I dedicate this powerful Lakota solidarity march video to my loving friend, Biggie: #NOKXL
  85. Naomi Klein at #surround – 2nd option pipeline to china is being opposed just as fiercely by indigenous people in Vancouver.
  86. Inspiring: Activists drop 70′ banner off of NIAGARA FALLS to tell Canadian PM: NO TAR SANDS oil! #tarsands
  87. As @billmckibben wraps up, Obama motor cade driver by. Thousands chant Yes We Can, Stop the Pipeline. #noKXL #surround @TarSandsAction
  88. The #teaparty had the decency to leave their protests at a decent hour..(In Air conditioned #koch funded busses) #OWS @GregMitch
  89. ReportBack from @TarSandsAction: It WAS a very good day for the 99% of us who aren’t an executive at TransCanada #noKXL
  90. #TransCanada official expects #Keystone OK by year’s end
  91. US says may miss year-end decision on Canada pipeline. AFP: #cdnpoli #keystone #oilsands
  92. It is speculated that the Keystone pipeline decision could be delayed until after election #LAtimes #NoKXL
  93. This was amazing: 1200 people surround the White House to ask Obama to reject Keystone XL: #noKXL
  94. Thanks to the #DCmetro police for hospitality today at the @TarSandsAction. We ALL are the #99percent. #nokxl
  95. Thank you for all your heard work today in making this world a better place to live. Bless you and good night. xoxo #NoKXL

That Burning Sensation in Your Stomach Explained

June 12, 2011

We’ve all had that feeling: the fire right between the ribs where the entrance to the stomach is, and if we haven’t felt it ourselves we’ve seen enough TV commercials to know what to expect when we do. Antacid companies have made their fortunes by our recognition of acid indigestion. We all know what to do to drive away the symptoms; we reach for an antacid or lately an acid blocker. The commercials even show us the cause of our distress and it is invariably something we have eaten, usually some sinful spicy food we have thoroughly enjoyed and mixed with other sinful foods and perhaps some drinks.
This burning feeling in our upper stomach may indeed be caused by food, but it is probably not the most likely culprit. That spicy hot feeling rising in your throat is spicy and hot simply because that is what your stomach has inside it when you have your reaction to the real cause of your acid reflux, something so bland that we sometimes eat it to calm down our troubled tummy in the mistaken belief that it will cure our problem.
Besides the acid there may be other symptoms that the heavy antacid user may be experiencing including:

• An itchy skin rash on the extremities, neck, buttocks, scalp and trunk.
• Insulin dependent diabetes (type 1 or juvenile diabetes)
• Recurrent and painful mouth ulcers
• Rheumatoid arthritis
• Autoimmune thyroid disease (Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis)
• Systemic lupus

Fully advanced symptoms of the above conditions may be found if the problem has not been attended to for an prolonged period and in advanced cases the symptoms may also include anemia, chronic diarrhea, weight loss, fatigue, cramps and bloating, irritability. Other related conditions are Osteoporosis and Depression.
Persistent stomach acid may only be the tip of the iceberg, the first warning sign of a condition called Celiac Disease.

The Canadian Celiac Association describes Celiac Disease as:
Celiac disease is a medical condition in which the absorptive surface of the small intestine is damaged by a substance called gluten. This results in an inability of the body to absorb nutrients: protein, fat, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals, which are necessary for good health.
Although statistics are not readily available, it is estimated that 1 in 133 persons in Canada are affected by celiac disease.
A wide range of symptoms may be present. Symptoms may appear together or singularly in children or adults. In general, the symptoms of untreated celiac disease indicate the presence of malabsorption due to the damaged small intestine.
Gluten is a protein found in wheat, rye, triticale, barley. In the case of wheat, gliadin has been isolated as the toxic fraction. It is the gluten in the flour that helps bread and other baked goods bind and prevents crumbling. This feature has made gluten widely used in the production of many processed and packaged foods.
At present there is no cure, but celiac disease is readily treated by following the gluten-free diet.

They describe Celiac Disease as an autoimmune disorder that has a genetic component, and one in 133 people are known to be affected. An unknown number of others are not diagnosed yet or could be experiencing low-level symptoms of this disorder, a gluten sensitivity and not outright intolerance; and this is where the sales of antacids come in. Of course, if the advertisers ever told us that antacids do nothing of value, and in the case of the aluminum based pills may actually harm us, and that we could relieve our pain simply by not eating all the popular mass-produced foods then they would be doing themselves out of a job. Don’t look to the media for your salvation.
Even though man has ground and eaten flour since the Stone Age, gluten was not always so prevalent in our foods. It has become popular since Roman times because of its ability to stick the other ingredients of leavened breads together. (It also sticks the food in your intestine together, inhibiting the passage, causing bloating and gas.) Selective breeding since then has increased the gluten content in the various strains of wheat until we have modern Red wheat which is half gluten. As leavened bread became popular worldwide it was introduced to populations that had not been predisposed to gluten digestion. The peptides present in gluten were chemically similar to certain viruses and the bodies of these former hunter-gatherers started to mount an immune defense against the new food. Because the immune system did not find an invasion of bacteria or viruses the attac migrated to the body’s own organs, most often the small intestine where the gluten is broken down. In ancient times infectious diarrhea was rampant among babies and accounted for a high percentage of infant mortality. The hunter-gatherers were being selected for extinction by their own body’s reaction to bread, the staff of life. [Why So Many Intolerant To Gluten ? – by Luigi Greco, D.C.H., M.Sc.(MCH), M.D., Department of Pediatrics, University of Naples 06/30/1995 ]
As more and more of our food was prepared by machines the adhesive properties of gluten became even more prized since less food fell off of the conveyor belts. Gluten is now added as an ingredient in foods that normally do not contain it, often included in the label as “natural flavorings”.

Also look for and avoid ingredients such as those listed by Gluten-Free Kiwi:
• Starch (1400’s range in additives). Many of them are wheat based
• HVP – Hydrolised Vegetable Protein
• HPP – Hydrolised Plant Protein
• Maltodextrin – some are derived from wheat
• Malt extract
• Vinegar – is it malt vinegar?
• Soy sauce – is it wheat based?
• Caramel colour can be a problem for some people.

If you are sensitive but not intolerent to gluten then you can just cut down on foods containing gluten and avoid a complete gluten-free diet. Just don’t blame those yummy spices.

Very informative article on the toxic effects of wheat gluten from Dr. Mercola:

Eating wheat may not be beneficial to your health. Among many other reasons, each grain contains about one microgram of Wheat Germ Agglutinin (WGA). Even in small quantities, WGA can have profoundly adverse effects. It may be pro-inflammatory, immunotoxic, cardiotoxic … and neurotoxic.

Test of phone photo upload

April 27, 2011




This beluga at Marineland Niagara has the hiccups. More Belug… on Twitpic

February 9, 2011

This beluga at Marineland Niagara has the hiccups. More Belug… on Twitpic.

Of course they could get hiccups, they breathe air, but it still is strange to see it underwater.